Uk House Rental Agreement Sample

When it comes to renting a home in the UK, it is crucial to have a rental agreement in place to protect both the landlord and the tenant. A rental agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of the tenancy, including the rental price, the length of the tenancy, and the rights and obligations of both parties.

Here is an overview of what a UK house rental agreement should include, along with a sample agreement to help guide you.

What to Include in a UK House Rental Agreement:

1. Names of all parties involved: This includes the landlord and all tenants who will be living in the property.

2. Property details: A description of the property being rented, including the address and any specific details like which rooms are included or excluded.

3. Rental price and payment details: The agreed-upon rental price and how it will be paid (e.g. monthly direct debit or cash).

4. Start and end date of tenancy: The dates that the tenancy will begin and end (if it is a fixed-term tenancy).

5. Deposit amount and terms: The amount of the deposit and how it will be held and returned at the end of the tenancy.

6. Responsibilities of the landlord: What the landlord is responsible for, such as repairs, maintenance, and providing access to the property when necessary.

7. Responsibilities of the tenant: What the tenant is responsible for, such as paying rent on time, keeping the property clean, and reporting any issues to the landlord.

8. Restrictions: Any restrictions on the use of the property, such as no smoking or no pets.

9. Termination and renewal terms: How the tenancy can be terminated, and if it can be renewed at the end of the term.

10. Signatures: All parties involved should sign the agreement to show they understand and agree to the terms.

Here is an example of a UK house rental agreement:

[Insert heading here: UK House Rental Agreement]

Between [Insert Landlord Name] (hereafter referred to as the „Landlord“) and [Insert Tenant Names] (hereafter referred to as the „Tenants“):

Property Details:

[Insert Property Address]

[Insert Property Description]


The monthly rent will be [Insert Amount] and is due on the [Insert Date] of each month. Rent may be paid by [Insert Payment Method].

Tenancy Details:

The tenancy will begin on [Insert Start Date] and end on [Insert End Date]. The tenancy may be extended or renewed by mutual agreement, upon the terms and conditions agreed upon at the time.


The tenants will pay a deposit of [Insert Amount] to the landlord. This deposit will be fully refunded at the end of the tenancy if no damage has been caused to the property. The landlord reserves the right to retain any part of the deposit if any damage has been caused to the property by the tenants or their guests.

Responsibilities of the Landlord:

The landlord will be responsible for repairs and maintenance of the property. The landlord will also be responsible for providing access to the property when necessary.

Responsibilities of the Tenant:

The tenants will be responsible for paying rent on time, keeping the property clean and in good condition, and reporting any issues to the landlord.


The tenants may not smoke or keep pets on the property without the landlord`s prior written consent.

Termination and Renewal:

Either the landlord or the tenants may terminate the tenancy upon [Insert Notice Period]. If the tenants wish to renew the tenancy, they must give notice to the landlord at least [Insert Notice Period] before the end of the current tenancy term. If the tenancy is not renewed by mutual agreement, the tenants will vacate the property by the end of the tenancy term.


[Insert Landlord Signature]

[Insert Tenant Signature(s)]

In summary, a UK house rental agreement is essential for both landlords and tenants as it outlines the terms and conditions of the tenancy, providing clarity and protection for all parties involved. Be sure to include all necessary details in your agreement, and use the sample agreement above as a guideline to ensure you haven`t missed anything important.